The health of the planet is of utmost important to human health, most obviously because it’s our one and only home. We eat from the earth, drink the water, and breathe the air. Also, in an energetic way, we are creations of the earth like any plant or animal, and are comprised of the very same molecules that everything else on earth is. It is no secret that the health and wellbeing of the earth are changing rapidly, and that this change is human-induced. We are so proud and excited to live in a country that is making environmental protection a top priority. Costa Rica is stepping up to a global leadership position by taking a strong stance on two prominent environmental issues: greenhouse gas emissions, and single-use plastics.
What is carbon neutrality, and why is it important?
In short, greenhouse gases are what is emitted by the burning of fossil fuels, the byproducts of which then go into the atmosphere, and are trapped there. This leads to a heating of our earth’s atmosphere as well as oceanic temperatures. The effects of this are increased storms, floods, droughts, fires, and more. Many actions taken daily by humans around the world (such as driving in a vehicle, turning a light on, cooking a meal) contribute to the issue. The risks are great, and most people are waking up to the reality that without collective, widespread, and profound change, we risk altering the state of our planet. We risk making it unlivable by ourselves and other living creatures, in an alarmingly short timeframe.
However, there are other types of energy sources other than fossil fuels — commonly known as renewable energy sources — that create much less of an impact. These are hydroelectricity, wind power, solar, and geothermal to name a few. Currently, Costa Rica has within it all of these types of energy and more. Most importantly, the country has the political will to make this goal, which many consider unrealistic or utopian, a reality. Costa Rica has long been seen as a “green” country and an “ecotourism” destination. The Costa Rican government and its residents see the value of protecting the beauty and health of this unique place, both for tourism purposes and to be seen as a global leader in the environmental movement.
Why are single-use plastics so detrimental?
While plastic is just over 100 years old, and we’ve only been actively using it for over 60 years, it now fills every corner of our planet. It can be found from the middle of the ocean, to the tops of the highest mountains. Today, it is often cheaper and easier to make new plastic than it is to recycle old plastic, leading to an explosion of this material being in our environment. The most detrimental aspect of plastic is that it never fully biodegrades (that is, to decay and become reabsorbed into the environment). Much of it moves to the ocean, where, because of the salt water and sun, it just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. It then leaches toxins into the ocean water, is absorbed into the food chain, and directly kills millions of ocean animals every year.
The silly thing about the majority of plastic that’s still floating around nowadays is that it was likely used just once. We’re all guilty of adding single-use plastics to the mix: water bottles, plastic cups, disposable bags. Yet multiply that by every time every individual on earth has used single-use plastics in the history of the world, and the problem becomes apparent. The great thing about this problem is that it’s not too late, nor is it actually too difficult to fix. The political will around the world is quite strong (with the only real deniers being the plastic-producers themselves). Moreover, all it would take to curb this problem would be to limit use, find alternatives, and start widespread putting them into use. Costa Rica has already taken strong action, pledging that “by 2021, at least 80 percent of the country’s public agencies, municipalities and businesses replace their disposable plastic packaging with materials that have a lower environmental impact”.
Why we’re proud to live in a country that prioritizes the environment
Living and working in Costa Rica, we feel the health benefits of living in this beautiful country. Being closer to nature and more active within it, eating more fresh, healthy, and local foods, and spending less time indoors and in the car — these are just a few examples of the physical changes that we have felt. As health practitioners, we know firsthand how important that having a healthy environment is for the people who live within it. We’re proud to live in a community that makes these issues a priority, with many environmental groups and nonprofits operating within Costa Ballena, including the Bahia Ballena Libre de Plastico (Bahia Ballena Plastic Free). We too take actions in our home and business such as reducing our single-use plastic use and eating locally. Acting in solidarity with this beautiful country that we live in, we want to participate in this essentially important goal, and to inspire others as well. We hope that you will come visit us in Ojochal, Costa Rica, and see it firsthand!